A Catalogue is a complete list of items, in an alphabetical or a systematic order printed in a book or magazine form with pictures, specifications and other details.
While designing your Catalogue,
Do a thorough research of your brand or what you are offering and note down the exact and accurate details.
Use best quality pictures and make sure there is uniformity in the picture size and also the pictures should be uniform for eg. The background of the image or the angle should be same to create a professional look.
Use elegant fonts and font size.
While you define product features, keep it short but effective. Make sure you are providing the accurate and relevant information. You can also mention prices if you wish to.
Organize your products in a systematic manner.
Consult a Graphic Designer if you are willing to invest in professional assistance and you will also save a lot of time.
Mention your address and contact details.
The Next step is Printing,
Get in contact with printmax to finalise the paper quality extra. Do not hesitate in investing in these catalogues as it persuades the customers to buy the products.
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